
Meet Peter! Peter is a 70lb, 6 year old happy-go-lucky pup who loves other dogs and humans of all sizes. He is a very zen dog who knows how to go with the flow and easily adapts to new situations and environments. Peter loves to play with other dogs and loves his squeaky toys and tennis balls. Peter is always game for a good play session! Peter is house trained and can be left alone in a home without any worry of distress or destruction. He doesn't have any dominant tendencies and just wants to chill and be friends with everybody. Peter is being fostered in Bend, OR and is ready to start his best (and most zen) chapter with you!

Adoption Fee: $499 This includes veterinarian wellness exam and certificate of good health, core vaccinations including: rabies vaccination (if over 4 months old), 3 rounds of DAPP (if old enough), Bordetella (kennel cough), deworming, flea/tick preventative, sterilization (spay/neuter), microchip and foster expenses. All dogs have been tested for heart worm, parvo, ehrlichia and anaplasmosis; some dogs have had recent bloodwork done. You also receive one free month of pet insurance through Trupanion and one free training session through Good Pup if you choose.

steps to adopting

  • Complete the adoption application here. The application takes 3-5 business days to be reviewed. Once completed and approved it is good for all dogs, multiple use and kept on file for 1 year.

Our Vetting policy

  • Puppies (under 1 year of age) have received a veterinarian exam prior to departing, rabies vaccination (if over 4 months old), up to 3 rounds of DHLPP (dependent on age), Bordetella (kennel cough), deworming, flea/tick preventative, heart worm test and sterilization. Any further medical care or treatment will not be covered by The Rawley Project. Once you take physical possession of the animal the responsibility lies with you. We highly recommend you take you new pet to a veterinarian for a fecal test as parasites are very common in shelter environments.

  • Adults (1 year and older) are up to date on rabies and DHPP vaccinations and accompany their most recent medical records from a veterinarian. All known issues are disclosed to the best of our ability. Once you take physical possession of the animal the responsibility lies with you.


  • While we expect you to enter into any adoption with the intention to commit to being that pets forever home, if you should determine, after significant efforts have been made on your part, including hiring a professional trainer, that an animal you adopt from The Rawley Project is not the right fit for your home we ask that you contact us. We do not have a physical shelter and cannot physically take your animal into our care immediately; however, we will work with you to either rehome the animal or move it into one of our foster homes when available.

    **Please note that adoption fees are NON-REFUNDABLE regardless of the amount of time the animal has spent with you. Should you take an animal home prior to signing the adoption contract, it is assumed, by your physical possession of the animal, that you are accepting the terms of said contract.